Thursday, August 28, 2008

▎▎चिंचपोकळीचा चिंतामणि ▎▎
चिंचपोकळी सार्वजनिक उत्सव मंडळ (चि.सा.उ.मं)
मुंबई - ४०००१२
CHINCHPOKLICHA CHINTAMANI is one of the most widely known dieties on the streets of mumbai and in every household during the 10 days of Ganeshotstav festival
CHINTAMANI fulfills all the vow of favour of his devotees,Infact the CHINTAMANI'S first STHAPANA or established 1920..
[IT IS WELL KNOWN ...VERY OLD THAN ANY OTHERS....] by rituals was due to a vow or favour which was granted and fulfilled.....

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

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Sunday, April 13, 2008